5 Year Plan
Areas of planning
- Facility
- Rugby
- Education
- Philanthropy
- Corporate Citizenship
- Expansion
- Administration and structure
1. Facility
Year One
- Install and insulate a new roof, with full small plant solar panel system. 10 k WATS
- Winterize and renovate the hall to be a year round facility including heat pumps, radiant floor heating, and renovation of change rooms, re-floor entire facility
- Re-side exterior of building, gutter soffit and fascia. Replace any doors or windows.
- Up grade water treatment system for larger use. Identify an area for a lounge.
- Install internet, also virtual merchant facility
- Renovate install and man a year round bar.
Year Two
- Re-locate and Create community kitchen
- Install partition across rear of main hall for division of use
- Install a fitness and weight room
- Add car park for overflow
- Install off leash Dog Park
- Procure two mowing machines with cutting decks bush hogs bucket and tines,
- Install full access doors to main hall
- Have complete drawings and mockups developed of complete long term plan.
Year Three
- Procure upgraded mowing machine
- New patio extension
- Door access to patio from kitchen
- Full security system
- Additional cooler for kitchen
Year Four
- Procure sponsorship and support to build 100’ x 120’ indoor facility
- Install full lighting for car park
- Build tarmac car park
- Renovate garage and drive shed for storage of equipment
- Create senior lounge
Year Five
- Develop a secondary full membership lounge
- Board room and offices in separate house
- Tarmac second driveway and second car park
- Lobby for finished road surface on Vince Jones Road
- Create clean compost system
2. Rugby
Year One
- Install notices board and a score board
- Replace existing safety equipment
- Secure scrum machine
- Develop senior side
- Secure a tour in Europe for LRFC youth
- Place 2 youth players in exchange programes in England
- Place one new tournament in summer schedule ( 7’s)
- Host I referee qualifying clinic
- Host I coaching qualifying clinic
- Secure all high 5 qualifications
Year Two
- Apply for support to bring CRC Blues game to Lindsay
- Double membership
- Focus on recruitment of women and U18 age groups
- Continue to move towards three full senior sides in Keenan Division
- Develop coaching program rewarding both coaches and managers
- Fully equip all sides
- Maintain current fee structure
Year Three
- Creation Second pitch
- Identify areas for alternative sport use, (soccer cricket)
- Continue to move up senior divisions
- Provide transportation to travel teams
- Install secondary visitor’s shelter on far pitch side
- Up grade all coaching levels
- Involve a member of the club into the Ontario Rugby Board
Year Four
- Fund and involve member of the club in Rugby Canada
- Fund and support full coaching staff (seasonal)
- Fund and support full time Director of rugby and sports
- Secure position as a Central/Eastern Center of Rugby excellence
- Continue to supply Rugby Canada with 2 players per eligible age groups
Year Five
- Augment rugby programme to year round assistance to players
- Integrate all players in managed programmes,
- Continue to increase playing member’s double membership from 2012
- Have a full 7’s playing schedule men’s and women’s
- Support all tournaments
- Support full involvement in highest divisions in Ontario (Marshall)
- Support exchange and development of junior and senior players at all levels
- Create a small academy for players
3. Education
Year One
- Further expand the programs in the summer around wellness and healthy living.
- Recognize the below average education levels of our population and become an active participant in mitigating this trend.
- Develop stronger relationships with schools,
Year Two
- Instigate increased programs with wellness and healthy living
- Create a relationship with Sir Sanford Fleming College on Sustainable agriculture
- Create a full certification program in all sports accreditation, coaching refereeing
- Also High 5 and early childhood education.
Year Three
- Develop further programs with SSFC in conservation, and agriculture, possible culinary program based on community kitchen
- Integrate the property with Conservation authority and Land Stewardship
Year Four
- Based upon the growth of the diverse user ship, create and apprenticeship in agriculture or food, based upon participation at the club.
- Develop a relationship between rugby and education, scholarships and bursaries,
Year Five
- Develop further the bursary and scholarship funding
- Initiate programs from the LRFC at local education centers, Trent University and SSFC
- Develop year round programs in education in rugby / sport, qualifications
- Develop extended assistance, encouraging sport therapy, first aid, massage therapy, by joining in the delivery of such programs with local education and also giving a venue for qualification, or part time work.
4. Philanthropy
Year One
- Continue to accumulate base funds for Scholarship bursary and Development Funds
- Hold two more fundraising opportunities for outside groups, Food bank Cancer Society.
- Enable access at entrance and side, develop more programs and opportunities for disabled in the community facility. Identifiy possible program options
Year Two
- Expand scholarship funding to broad stroke support for members entering post secondary education
- Recognize the apprenticeship programs in green and sustainable energy, support those programmes,
- Continue to partner with organizations where LRFC can be of assistance, ( volunteer facility for fundraisers, alumni to draw attention to event, volunteer personal to other events in support of local foundations)
Year Three
- Remain and continue involvement with John Howard Society, Children’s Aid, local group homes and foster families.
- Continue to seek opportunites to involve the disabled in programs and activites at the club,
- Seek out groups that may wish to use the facility based on the renovations conducted.
Year Four
- Continue to assist in creating better environments for our community as a whole involving seniors, disabled , food bank, by the use of facility and support from members as well as continued financial support.
Year Five
- In addition to the continued support given in prior years, involvement with the supply of sport faculties for special athletes
- Create and maintain a “murder ball” ( wheelchair rugby) league. (Using the indoor facility)
5. Corporate Citizenship
Year One
- Develop a broader philosophy through volunteer component of membership
- Continue to further the core values and culture at the club level and encourage the expansion of those values to player’s activities outside the playing arena.
Year Two
- LRFC to advocate on behalf of its members with local and provincial bodies,
- To continue to develop revenue streams that is symbiotic to the core rugby club and further the mission of the not for profit organization by placing all excess funding into citizenship projects
- Encourage the continued partnerships with corporations and increase support/
Year Three
- Encourage members to advocate on behalf of the club, to show the development of the multi stream facility and how it can work in a positive way with the club and with other user groups
Year Four
- Involve the club with the provincial and national governing bodies
- Advocate on behalf of the Province at the national level through continued disproportionate positive representation.
- As a community facility advocates on behalf of Ops with Kawartha Lakes and increase its importance as a vibrant partner in the City.
Year Five
- Recognition of the ambitions of involvement, review of success and failure, generate the new path forward
6. Expansion
Year One
- Create a year round facility fully winterized and efficient
- Install “green” sustainable plant wherever possible
Year Two
- Renovate and develop the remaining buildings to help broaden revenue base/
Year Three
- Expand successful areas of change, review those that did not work and adapt
- Build towards a self sustaining organization, attractive to private investment
Year Four
- Build with private and public partners a full indoor multi use facility that will cater to all the user groups in the organization as well as attract other users to support the sustainability or revenue plan.
Year Five
- Establish the facility as a year round sport centers for North East Central Ontario
- Accommodate as many sports and users as possible in the facility and encourage the constant use of the facility for quality
- Repair and maintain what has been developed
7. Administration
Year One
- Based on the development; to have two part time employees of the facility, that will ensure the smooth operation of the new areas and blend them with the operation of the rugby club.
- One full time manager and administrator, co coordinating with the board on all matters pertaining to the club and its new and old functions.
- Secure an accounting company
- Contract an architect and engineer to create visual and engineered plans for areas of development as they come on stream.
Year Two
- Expand the staffing as necessary to cover increased use and support any new areas as they come on line.
- Create job opportunities for youth and disabled
Year Three
- Expand the Board of Directors to have representation for all user groups but with the original rugby direction kept sacrosanct even if it does not represent the largest user group .
- Maintain the Board as a volunteer overseer
- Encourage under 30 year olds to become primary Directors
Year Four
- Continue to staff for all needs and users to be fully serviced
- Volunteers to remain the core foundation of the managing and running of the facility
- Broaden the Shareholders; continue to encourage vibrant and demanding involvement in management and innovation.
Year Five
- Become a model for multi use “not for profit” organizations able to demonstrate ways of being self sufficient at times when volunteerism and community is on the wane.
- Share the model of success with other clubs, facilities.
The plan will remain flexible and will be reviewed and adapted as we move forward.